加强版来了!PRI-8800 Plus全自动变温培养土壤温室气体在线测量系统
01 主要特点
- 可设定恒温或变温培养模式;
- 温度控制波动优于±0.05℃;
- 平均升降温速率不小于1°C/5min;
- 14 cm D x 50 cm H,9位样品盘;
- 大气本底缓冲气或钢瓶气清洗气路;
- 可以外接浓度和同位素分析仪等。
PRI-8800 Plus全自动变温培养土壤温室气体在线测量系统主要包含自动进样器、水槽、压缩机、CO2 H2O分析仪、内部计算机、9位样品盘等,9个原状测量套件;可选土壤温度传感器、土壤湿度和盐度传感器、土壤水势传感器、水位传感器等。
04 实验设计
2)湿地淹水深度模拟:在全球尺度上湿地甲烷(CH4)排放的温度敏感性大小主要取决于水位变化,而二氧化碳(CO2)排放的温度敏感性不受水位影响。复杂多样的湿地生态系统不同水位的变化及不同温度的变化如何影响和调控着湿地温室气体的排放?我们该如何量化不同水位的变化及不同温度的变化下湿地的温室气体排放?借助PRI-8800 Plus,通过淹水深度和温度变化的组合测试,可以查出真相。
3)温度依赖性的研究:既然温度的变化会极大影响土壤呼吸,基于温度变化的Q10研究成为科学家研究中重中之重。2017年Robinson提出的最低20个温度梯度拟合土壤呼吸对温度响应曲线的建议,将纠正以往研究人员只设置3-5个温度点(大约相隔5-10℃)进行呼吸测量的做法,该建议能解决传统方法因温度梯度少而导致的不同土壤的呼吸对温度变化拟合相似度高的问题,更能提升不同的理论模型或随后模型推算结果的准确性。而上述至少20个温度点的设置和对应的土壤呼吸测量,仅仅需要在PRI-8800 Plus程序中预设几个温度梯度即可完成多个样品在不同温度下的自动测量,这将极大提高科学家的工作效率。
除了上述变温应用案例外,科学家还可以依据自己的实验设计进行诸如日变化、月变化、季节变化、甚至年度温度变化的模拟培养,通过PRI-8800 Plus的“傻瓜式”操作测量,将极大减少科学家实验实施的周期和工作量,并提高了工作效率。
PRI-8800 Plus除了具有上述变温培养的特色,还可以进行恒温培养,抑或是恒温/变温交替培养,这些组合无疑拓展了系统在不同温度组合条件下的应用场景。
4)水分依赖性的研究:多数研究表明,在温度恒定的情况下,Q10很容易受土壤含水量的影响,表现出一定的水分依赖特性。PRI-8800 Plus可以通过手动调整土壤含水量的做法,并在PRI-8800 Plus快速连续测量模式下,实现不同水分梯度条件下土壤呼吸的精准测量,而PRI-8800 Plus的逻辑设计,为短期、中期和长期湿度控制条件下的土壤呼吸的连续、高品质测量提供了可能。
05 相关文献信息
2.Jiang ZX, Bian HF, Xu L, He NP. 2021. Pulse effect of precipitation: spatial patterns and mechanisms of soil carbon emissions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 673310.
3.Liu Y, Xu L, Zheng S, Chen Z, Cao YQ, Wen XF, He NP. 2021. Temperature sensitivity of soil microbial respiration in soils with lower substrate availability is enhanced more by labile carbon input. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 154: 108148.
4.Bian HF, Zheng S, Liu Y, Xu L, Chen Z, He NP. 2020. Changes in soil organic matter decomposition rate and its temperature sensitivity along water table gradients in cold-temperate forest swamps. Catena, 194: 104684.
5.Xu M, Wu SS, Jiang ZX, Xu L, Li MX, Bian HF, He NP. 2020. Effect of pulse precipitation on soil CO2 release in different grassland types on the Tibetan Plateau. European Journal of Soil Biology, 101: 103250.
6.Liu Y, He NP, Xu L, Tian J, Gao Y, Zheng S, Wang Q, Wen XF, Xu XL, Yakov K. 2019. A new incubation and measurement approach to estimate the temperature response of soil organic matter decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 138, 107596.
7.Liu Y, He NP, Wen XF, Xu L, Sun XM, Yu GR, Liang LY, Schipper LA. 2018. The optimum temperature of soil microbial respiration: Patterns and controls. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 121: 35-42.
8.Liu Y, Wen XF, Zhang YH, Tian J, Gao Y, Ostle NJ, Niu SL, Chen SP, Sun XM, He NP. Widespread asymmetric response of soil heterotrophic respiration to warming and cooling. Science of Total Environment, 635: 423-431.
9.Wang Q, He NP, Xu L, Zhou XH. 2018. Important interaction of chemicals, microbial biomass and dissolved substrates in the diel hysteresis loop of soil heterotrophic respiration. Plant and Soil, 428: 279-290.
10.Wang Q, He NP, Xu L, Zhou XH. 2018. Microbial properties regulate spatial variation in the differences in heterotrophic respiration and its temperature sensitivity between primary and secondary forests from tropical to cold-temperate zones. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 262, 81-88.
11.Li J, He NP, Xu L, Chai H, Liu Y, Wang DL, Wang L, Wei XH, Xue JY, Wen XF, Sun XM. 2017. Asymmetric responses of soil heterotrophic respiration to rising and decreasing temperatures. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 106: 18-27.
12.Liu Y, He NP, Xu L, Niu SL, Yu GR, Sun XM, Wen XF. 2017. Regional variation in the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition in China’s forests and grasslands. Global Change Biology, 23: 3393-3402.
13.Wang Q, He NP*, Liu Y, Li ML, Xu L. 2016. Strong pulse effects of precipitation event on soil microbial respiration in temperate forests. Geoderma, 275: 67-73.
14.Wang Q, He NP, Yu GR, Gao Y, Wen XF, Wang RF, Koerner SE, Yu Q*. 2016. Soil microbial respiration rate and temperature sensitivity along a north-south forest transect in eastern China: Patterns and influencing factors. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121: 399-410.
15.He NP, Wang RM, Dai JZ, Gao Y, Wen XF, Yu GR. 2013. Changes in the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition with grassland succession: Implications for soil C sequestration. Ecology and Evolution, 3: 5045-5054.
16.He N P, Liu Y, Xu L, Wen X F, Yu G R, Sun X M. Temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition:New insights into models of incubation and measurement. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2018, 38(11): 4045-4051.
19.Li C, Xiao CW*, Li MX, Xu L, He NP. The quality and quantity of SOM determines the mineralization of recently added labile C and priming of native SOM in grazed grasslands. Geoderma. 2023, 432: 116385.
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