PRI-8800 全自动变温培养土壤温室气体在线测量系统

  •        土壤有机质分解速率(R)对温度变化的响应非常敏感。温度敏感性参数(Q10)可以刻画土壤有机质分解对温度变化的响应程度。Q10是指温度每升高10℃,R所增加的倍数;Q10值越大,表明土壤有机质分解对温度变化就越敏感。Q10不仅取决于有机质分子的固有动力学属性,也受到环境条件的限制。Q10能抽象地描述土壤有机质分解对温度变化的响应,在不同生态类型系统、不同研究间架起了一个规范的和可比较的参数,因此其研究意义重大。


    • 可设定恒温或变温培养模式;
    • 温度控制波动优于±0.05℃;
    • 平均升降温速率不小于1°C/min;
    • 307 mL样品瓶,25位样品盘;
    • 一体化设计,内置CO2 H2O模块;
    • 可外接高精度浓度或同位素分析仪。




    PRI-8800 技术指标
    指标 标准配置参数
    样品瓶尺寸 5 cm D × 17 cm
    样品瓶容积 307.47 mL
    样品瓶材质 304不锈钢
    转接环尺寸* 6 cm × 6.5 cm
    转接环容积 73.68 mL
    转接环净容积 39.67 mL
    样品瓶和转接环净容积 287.21 mL
    转接环材质 PTFE
    传感器安装工具 传感器线直径 ≤ 5 mm
    环刀尺寸* 4.8 cm D × 8 cm H
    环刀材质 304不锈钢
    培养瓶容积 150 mL,耐高低温玻璃瓶
    样品盘盘位 25 位
    温度控制范围 -15~60 ℃
    温度波动度 ±0.05 ℃
    ACC 温度 +40 °C
    制冷量@20°C BT/20°C AT 2000W
    平均升降温速率(5-30°C) 1 ℃/min
    内胆尺寸(温控内腔) 400 mm W × 400 mm D × 200 mm H(有效区域)
    自动进样器控制精度 0.02 mm
    气压传感器精度 0.05 %
    温度传感器精度 ±0.15 ℃
    气体流速 1 L/min
    气体管路 1/8 不锈钢管或特氟龙管
    气路清洗 大气本底缓冲气
    通风 前面板上门底部进风,后面板上部排风
    外观 落地式,前部万向轮,后部固定轮
    整机尺寸 762 mm W × 950 cm D × 1700 mm H
    电源 100~240 VAC,50/60 Hz

    8800-1 CO2 H2O 分析仪

     CO测量范围 0-2000 ppm
     CO准确度 ±2 %
     CO零点稳定性 ±2 %(>12个月)
     CO重复性@零点 ±0.3 %
     CO重复性@跨度 ±1.5 %
     CO恒温下的零点漂移 ±2 %/年
     CO常温下的零点漂移 ±0.03%/℃
     H2O 测量范围 0~6 %
     H2O 准确度 ±2 %
     标准工作温度 -20~45 °C
     标准工作压力 800~1150 mbar
     取样流速 标准1 L/min,可调
     预热时间 1 min
     校准频率 建议12月校准一次
     湿度 <99% R.H,无冷凝

           PRI-8800全自动变温培养土壤温室气体在线测量系统主要包含水槽、压缩机、内置 CO2 H2O 分析仪、电脑、自动进样器、25位样品盘等,25个样品瓶。
           PRI-8800 可以选配不同的气体分析仪,如 CO2 H2O 分析仪、高精度 CO2 CH4 N2O H2O 分析仪、CO同位素分析仪等,具体请咨询销售人员。

    PRI-8800 实验设计

           除了上述变温应用案例外,科学家还可以依据自己的实验设计进行诸如日变化、月变化、季节变化、甚至年度温度变化的模拟培养,通过PRI-8800的“傻瓜式”操作测量,将极大减少科学家实验实施的周期和工作量,并提高了工作效率。PRI-8800全自动变温培养土壤CO2 H2O在线测量系统主要包含自动进样器、水槽、压缩机、CO2 H2O 分析仪、内部计算机、25位样品盘等,25个样品瓶。

    PRI-8800 部分发表文章
    1.Jun Pan, Yuan Liu, Nianpeng He, Chao Li, Mingxu Li, Li Xu, Osbert Jianxin Sun. 2024. The influence of forest-to-cropland conversion on temperature sensitivity of soil microbial respiration across tropical to temperate zones. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, doi:10.1016/j. soilbio.2024.109322.
    2.Zheng J, Mao X, van Groenigen K J, et al. Decoupling of soil carbon mineralization and microbial community composition across a climate gradient on the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Geoderma, 2024, 441: 116736.Pa
    3.Liu Y, Kumar A, Tiemann L K, et al. Substrate availability reconciles the contrasting temperature response of SOC mineralization in different soil profiles[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2023: 1-15.
    4.刘源豪,熊德成,吴晨,王云,林德宝,黄锦学. 外源碳输入对常绿阔叶林土壤碳排放的影响. [J].森林与环境学报, 2023, 43(5).
    5.Li C, Xiao C, Li M, et al. The quality and quantity of SOM determines the mineralization of recently added labile C and priming of native SOM in grazed grasslands[J]. Geoderma, 2023, 432: 116385.
    6.Xiaoliang Ma, Shengjing Jiang, Zhiqi Zhang, Hao Wang, Chao Song, Jin-Sheng He. Long‐term collar deployment leads to bias in soil respiration measurements[J]. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 14(3): 981-990.
    7.Yanghui He, Xuhui Zhou, Zhen Jia, Lingyan Zhou, Hongyang Chen, Ruiqiang Liu, Zhenggang Du, Guiyao Zhou, Junjiong Shao, Junxia Ding, Kelong Chen, Iain P. Hartley. Apparent thermal acclimation of soil heterotrophic respiration mainly mediated by substrate availability[J]. Global Change Biology, 2023, 29(4): 1178-1187.
    8.Mao X, Zheng J, Yu W, et al. Climate-induced shifts in composition and protection regulate temperature sensitivity of carbon decomposition through soil profile[J]. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022, 172: 108743.
    9.Pan J, He N, Liu Y, et al. Growing season average temperature range is the optimal choice for Q10 incubation experiments of SOM decomposition[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 145: 109749.
    10.Li C, Xiao C, Guenet B, et al. Short-term effects of labile organic C addition on soil microbial response to temperature in a temperate steppe[J]. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022, 167: 108589.
    11.Jiang ZX, Bian HF, Xu L, He NP. 2021. Pulse effect of precipitation: spatial patterns and mechanisms of soil carbon emissions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 673310.
    12.Liu Y, Xu L, Zheng S, Chen Z, Cao YQ, Wen XF, He NP. 2021. Temperature sensitivity of soil microbial respiration in soils with lower substrate availability is enhanced more by labile carbon input. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 154: 108148.
    13.Bian HF, Zheng S, Liu Y, Xu L, Chen Z, He NP. 2020. Changes in soil organic matter decomposition rate and its temperature sensitivity along water table gradients in cold-temperate forest swamps. Catena, 194: 104684.
    14.Xu M, Wu SS, Jiang ZX, Xu L, Li MX, Bian HF, He NP. 2020. Effect of pulse precipitation on soil CO2 release in different grassland types on the Tibetan Plateau. European Journal of Soil Biology, 101: 103250.
    15.Liu Y, He NP, Xu L, Tian J, Gao Y, Zheng S, Wang Q, Wen XF, Xu XL, Yakov K. 2019. A new incubation and measurement approach to estimate the temperature response of soil organic matter decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 138, 107596.
    16.Yingqiu C, Zhen Z, Li X, et al. Temperature Affects new Carbon Input Utilization By Soil Microbes: Evidence Based on a Rapid δ13C Measurement Technology[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2019, 10(2): 202-212.
    17.Cao Y, Xu L, Zhang Z, et al. Soil microbial metabolic quotient in inner mongolian grasslands: Patterns and influence factors[J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 2019, 29: 1001-1010.
    18.Liu Y, He NP, Wen XF, Xu L, Sun XM, Yu GR, Liang LY, Schipper LA. 2018. The optimum temperature of soil microbial respiration: Patterns and controls. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 121: 35-42.
    19.Liu Y, Wen XF, Zhang YH, Tian J, Gao Y, Ostle NJ, Niu SL, Chen SP, Sun XM, He NP. 2018.Widespread asymmetric response of soil heterotrophic respiration to warming and cooling. Science of Total Environment, 635: 423-431.
    20.Wang Q, He NP, Xu L, Zhou XH. 2018. Important interaction of chemicals, microbial biomass and dissolved substrates in the diel hysteresis loop of soil heterotrophic respiration. Plant and Soil, 428: 279-290.
    21.Wang Q, He NP, Xu L, Zhou XH. 2018. Microbial properties regulate spatial variation in the differences in heterotrophic respiration and its temperature sensitivity between primary and secondary forests from tropical to cold-temperate zones. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 262, 81-88.
    22.He N P, Liu Y, Xu L, Wen X F, Yu G R, Sun X M. Temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition:New insights into models of incubation and measurement. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2018, 38(11): 4045-4051.
    23.Li J, He NP, Xu L, Chai H, Liu Y, Wang DL, Wang L, Wei XH, Xue JY, Wen XF, Sun XM. 2017. Asymmetric responses of soil heterotrophic respiration to rising and decreasing temperatures. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 106: 18-27.
    24.Liu Y, He NP, Xu L, Niu SL, Yu GR, Sun XM, Wen XF. 2017. Regional variation in the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition in China’s forests and grasslands. Global Change Biology, 23: 3393-3402.
    25.Wang Q, He NP*, Liu Y, Li ML, Xu L. 2016. Strong pulse effects of precipitation event on soil microbial respiration in temperate forests. Geoderma, 275: 67-73.
    26.Wang Q, He NP, Yu GR, Gao Y, Wen XF, Wang RF, Koerner SE, Yu Q*. 2016. Soil microbial respiration rate and temperature sensitivity along a north-south forest transect in eastern China: Patterns and influencing factors. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121: 399-410.
    27.He NP, Wang RM, Dai JZ, Gao Y, Wen XF, Yu GR. 2013. Changes in the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition with grassland succession: Implications for soil C sequestration. Ecology and Evolution, 3: 5045-5054.